The Local 90 entertainment committee is happy to announce that we are hosting our annual Family Christmas party open to all active and retired members. It is to be held on Saturday, November 30th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at The Ancaster Fairgrounds, 630 Trinity Road in Ancaster, Ontario. It is located in close proximity to the 403 and directions can be found on the facility’s web site;
We have once again rented some inflatable amusements. Lunch will be served at 12:30 and Santa will also be there to hand out presents to children 12 years old or younger after lunch.
In order to make this a successful event, we ask that you please fill out the attached form and send it to the hall by November 15, 2024. You may also provide this information by sending it via e-mail to no later than the date mentioned above. Due to time limitations, we will not accept any requests to attend after November 15th, 2024. We look forward to seeing you come out to enjoy this annual event.
The Local 90 Entertainment Committee
We require a certain amount of information in order to accommodate all guests. If you could remove this section and mail, it to the Union Hall or e-mail the information to ,it would be greatly appreciated. The information is required in order to have enough food and refreshments, as well as helping Santa make the right presents.
Name: ______________ Age of child _____ Sex of child: M F
Name: ______________ Age of child _____ Sex of child: M F
Name: ______________ Age of child _____ Sex of child: M F
Name: ______________ Age of child _____ Sex of child: M F
Interests of child in regards to gift: Name:________________________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Please inform us of any food allergies with the name of the child: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________